The Republican Utopia

Listening to Mitch Daniels answer questions on the radio on Wednesday night, he lost my vote in the next election. I’m quite the liberal/progressive when it comes to my political beliefs. Even so, last election I voted for Mitch Daniels for Governor. Why? The Kernan administration refused to discuss their position on gay marriage. Kernan kept saying that a marriage amendment wasn’t needed. I asked a direct question to the campaign as to where Governor Kernan stood if a marriage amendment was found to be “needed.

Jesus Said "LOVE!"

In response to the “No Comparison” blog entry at the Indy Star, “Joi” said "my religious beliefs are against the act of homosexuality, but I LOVE YOU ANYWAY, just as Jesus loves you." S/he went on to say that "HOWEVER, injustice is injustice. This country lacks a whole lot of LOVE and RESPECT! Why should I care who you choose to sleep with, just like why should you care about the color of my skin?

Mitch Loves The Jesus, Not The First Amendment

Indiana Governor, Mitch Daniels, called the recent ruling on Christian prayer at the statehouse “regrettable.” He went on to say: "I just think it's regrettable. "It's in a long line now of, I think, confusing and sometimes clumsy attempts by the courts to insert themselves into this issue." Um, Mitch … the court wouldn’t of had to rule on this if Brian Bosma hadn’t pushed this. Singing “Just A Little Talk With Jesus"?

Salem Aint Got Nothin on Indy!

For you Indiana locals… did y’all catch the News at 6 on WRTV? Norm Cox did an interview with Pepper Partin about the planned protest at the The Annual Irvington Halloween Festival (you can read about the festival at Indyscribe ). The protest is being organized by Rock Indiana and is being dubbed “Indiana’s Witch Hunt.” The main focus of the protest is State Senator Patricia Miller (she is co-sponsoring the festival).

The Pledge

I wrote the following email to John Gregg, a local talk show host here on AM radio (WIBC). Hi, First of all, I’d like to say that even though I am sure we are philosophically at opposite ends of the spectrum (I’m a Green), I enjoy listening to your show on IBC. You read a quote of someone that advocated that this was a bad time to “take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Lend A Hand, Just Not Mine

"It depends on what the meaning of the words 'is' is." "To the extent the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility." "It depends on how you define alone…" Who uttered these quotes? The first and third quotes are from Bill Clinton, concerning the Monica Lewinsky affair. The second is from a speech given today by George W. Bush. He’s finally admitting some responsibility for the New Olreans FEMA debacle.

Where Are The Hillbillies?

Where are all those gun toting 2nd amendment right wingers? An AP piece today said that Police fearing deadly confrontations with jittery residents enforced a new order that bars homeowners from owning guns. That order apparently does not apply to the hundreds of M-16-toting private security guards hired to protect businesses and wealthy property owners. Do you hear any right wingers screaming foul? They say that it isn’t safe for residents to stay where they are, but isn’t this a FREE country?

Freedom Is On the March For Crackers

Watching President Bush on CNN this morning talk about the “war on terror” something hit me. How can we be in “a global war on terror” as President Bush calls it, yet we don’t call the “detainees” down at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, prisoners of war? Then we’d have to follow the Geneva Suggestions Conventions… Fuck that shit.. freedom is on the march… for some. As long as you’re name isn’t Jose.

How Low Will You Go?

Friday, George Bush seemed to shoulder some of the blame for the slow reaction of federal rescue and relief efforts. Not a day later he shifted the blame to state and local officials in Louisiana. Bush said “The magnitude of responding to a crisis over a disaster area that is larger than the size of Great Britain has created tremendous problems that have strained state and local capabilities. The result is that many of our citizens simply are not getting the help they need, especially in New Orleans.

New Orleans Wisdom

"I don’t treat my dog like that," 47-year-old Daniel Edwards said as he pointed at the woman in the wheelchair. "I buried my dog." He added: "You can do everything for other countries, but you can’t do nothing for your own people. You can go overseas with the military, but you can’t get them down here."

Mad Cow's Ain't Sexy Enough

Has anyone seen any of the major United States media outlets reporting that Department of Agriculture inspectors have found over 1,000 violations of rules instituted to prevent mad cow disease from reaching Americans? I haven’t either, but I have seen the story was reported by the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) here. Apparently a safe food supply isn’t a sexy enough story….

Hotel Rwanda

I just finished watching “Hotel Rwanda” and I thought of you, my children. I’ve always been heartbroken at the fact that I don’t see or speak to you. Danielle, I often wonder if you think I’ve forgottten you. Being reminded of the tragedy in Rwanda, it makes me grateful of my situation. I have no doubt that you will be in my life at some time in the future. The forces of death is the only thing possible of stopping that.

Chasing Amy's Heart

Today I watched “An Evening With Kevin Smith.” Kevin wrote and directed such movies as “Clerks,” “Dogma,” and “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.” One of movies he made was “Chasing Amy.” When watching “An Evening” the lesbian issue came up when a person named Lala self identified herself as a lesbian. She asked Kevin if he was perpetuating “the myth” that all a lesbian needs is a good man to turn them straight.

Gay Swedish Fiction By John Q Republican

This entry is a favorite of mine from my LiveJournal Below is an article was in our local newspaper, “The Indianapolis Star.” Lori Borgman Marriage: It’s for kids' sake March 14, 2004 If you want to peer into the crystal ball to see what family life will be like in the event we redefine marriage, look to Scandinavia. The equivalent of same-sex marriage has been legal for more than a decade, and the verdict is in – same-sex marriage has eroded the already rusty link in the chain between marriage and family.

Why I Want To Be A Canadian

Very few times in life have I heard something so moving, so honest, and so historically relevant that it moved me to tears…. To my Canadian friends, I envy you… if all goes well, when I die, it shall be on Canadian soil. I can’t believe I missed this… Prime Minister Paul Martin on February 16, 2005 See video of speech "I rise today in support of Bill C-38, the Civil Marriage Act.

Simple Solution, Water and Oil

Christ, are we too busy robbing Iraq of its riches that we cannot help the people LIVE? From Hnk’s blog: "'Day after day the situation in Iraq is getting better,' that's what one high ranking military official said. Reality shows the opposite. If things are getting better then why we don't we have oil, when we live in a country rich with oil? We have two rivers Tigris and the Euphrates, yet we have no drinking water.

Holy Water of Jesus!

US Secretary of Defense, Donald H. Rumsfeld, said recently “That [the] insurgency could go on for any number of years. Insurgencies tend to go on five, six, eight, 10, 12 years. Coalition forces, foreign forces are not going to repress that insurgency. We’re going to create an environment that the Iraqi people and the Iraqi security forces can win against that insurgency.” This stuff isn’t rocket science, Donald…. Every day that the US is in Iraq and doesn’t provide basic life sustaining needs, the insurgency will grow.


Because the whole system [is] like going to a concentration camp and picking out which people go to the death chamber." - Bob Novak 5/14/05 “I mean, imagine, the rule has been in place for 214 years that this is the way we confirm judges. Broken by the other side two years ago, and the audacity of some members to stand up and say, how dare you break this rule. It’s the equivalent of Adolf Hitler in 1942 saying, ‘I’m in Paris.


A youth opinion writer for the Indianapolis star wrote recently that "Howard Dean’s recent comment generalizing the GOP as 'pretty much a white, Christian party' was both untimely and ill-advised." and that "The greatest prospect for the Democratic Party to win the 2008 presidential election is its potential to exploit the flaws of the Bush administration. Repetition of the issues, however, and not mindless name-calling, is the key to Democratic victory.

Terri Schiavo

I told you so…. From the Florida’s medical examiner’s office: Reported by BBC "'She was incapable of surviving without her feeding tube,' Mr Throgmartin said, adding that she was blind and incapable of thinking, feeling or interacting with her environment. ‘This damage was irreversible, and no amount of therapy or treatment would have regenerated the massive loss of neurons,’ he said." I’m rubbing it in because of how many people weighed in on this topic but had no medical background to base their position on.

They Fired Me Because I Hate Queers

Two former members of the Indianapolis Star’s editorial board, James Patterson and Lisa Coffey, have claiming the Star discriminated against them based on their religious views. James Patterson said “This is America. We have the right, under the first amendment, to express those views. At a newspaper, which has had a conservative voice for years and years and years, our argument is we should be allowed to express those views without being persecuted.

Addressing Homelessness: A Call for Community Action

Today I read an article by Rishawn Biddle of the Indianapolis Star’s Editorial staff concerning the need for action by our Mayor, Bart Peterson. He said: “Then a walk up Delaware Street reminded me that the gathering of ne’er do wells that usually keep themselves to the corner of the Wheeler Mission now claim the other side of the street – just outside the parking lot of the Regions Bank tower – for their very own.

So Long...Yet I Still Have Hope

So long between enteries… Danielle and Tyler, I’ve not had contact with either of you in quite some time. I wish you could understand the road blocks I face, and the hurdles I seem to come up against in my fight to see you. Part of it is an internal battle and part of it’s external. Someone recently told me that “Hope is easy. It’s a word. It’s a thought. It’s a feeling.