Mitch Loves The Jesus, Not The First Amendment

Indiana Governor, Mitch Daniels, called the recent ruling on Christian prayer at the statehouse “regrettable.” He went on to say:

"I just think it's regrettable. "It's in a long line now of, I think, confusing and sometimes clumsy attempts by the courts to insert themselves into this issue."

Um, Mitch … the court wouldn’t of had to rule on this if Brian Bosma hadn’t pushed this. Singing “Just A Little Talk With Jesus"? Why not pass the plate and give communion! You could invite a different church choir each week to back you up.

If anything is “regrettable” it’s that your Republican mates in the House don’t feel they can run on their record. It’s reprehensible that they find it necessary to use gays and Jesus to get reelected.