Category: My So Called Life

The Loss of Innocence

Coming back from Kentucky, Lisa gave me a GLSO Newspaper to read on the way back. Its a queer organization in Kentucky. Anywho, an article in it hit me like a ton of bricks, and I wanted to share it….

The Loss of Innocence
aftermath of the affair
by Kelly O’ferrell   

“This is not the face of an ingenue; this is an old soul in a new body- wary, wise to her own long past, on to the wiles of the world, and having miles to go before she sleeps.”-Sarah Ban Breathnach

I stood one day and listened as a co-worker told me about her new girlfriend. They’ve been friends for three years, were mutually attracted to one another, but never single at the same time. Now, finally, they are both single and have started dating-and everything that comes along with dating!!

“I think I’ve finally found the one I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.” she said. Suddenly, I felt my body rip down the middle. “The one forever,” is what I heard her say. Those words were vibrating in the room.

I wanted to run from the room. But first, I wanted to grab her and scream “THERE IS NO FOREVER!!” Stop looking forward to forever with this woman. Wake up now before you get hurt.!” She was pouring salt in a wound that had almost healed up. I had almost forgotten that forever isn’t real. About two years ago I heard the words, “I’ve had an affair.” I wasn’t expecting to hear those words – not from her. I had always heard, “You couldn’t sandblast me out of this relationship and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” I didn’t live my life wondering if, when, who, where.

All my co-worker heard from me was, “That’s really nice.” All she saw was me smiling as she continued telling me about her new love. I had to ask her: “Have you ever been in a relationship where someone had an affair?” I wanted to know to what extent her history has shaped her belief in forever. I just wanted to know that if the answer was yes AND she still believed in forever, then maybe she could tell me how I could believe in forever again too. “No,” she said, “but there was one girlfriend who I still believe had an affair but she denies it to this day.”

“Just for today, Kelly” someone `reminded me. “Just for today you can believe her.” She was telling me that I could believe in my new girlfriend. “There was no guarantee of forever in your last relationship even when you believed there was.” Even in my innocence, the truth was there. I asked my friend Betsy, if she believes she’s with Anna “forever”. I know she loves Anna very much. And she knows the truth too. “The possibilities are endless,” she said. “And I know that I want to do whatever I have to do to stay with Anna.” Anna just looked at me, laughed and said, “You’re making my stomach hurt!” I wonder if I will ever feel – what? Like I did before? No, I will not feel like that again. There’s something about ‘going back’ thats unsettling. So I guess I will feel something new. But why does that thought leave me feeling a little sad?

I talked to my friend, Jaime, about this concept of going back. “Back to what,” I asked him. “Back to innocence?” No. We couldn’t find the word. “Here’s another word for innocence,” he said, “unconscious. And here’s another one – ingenue. It means a naive girl or young woman.”

Interesting. As a child, an ingenue, I was unconscious because of my limited experiences. I thought that my pets would live forever, that my family and friends would always be there. I had no experience of death and in my case, no family members divorcing.

And then, as I grew older, I began to have experiences – my pets died, my grandparents died. When I was in college, a friend who was 18 years old was killed going home from work when he fell asleep at the wheel. When I was 24, I went through a divorce with a man I didnt really plan on spending my life with. Someone I did plan on spending the rest of my life with left and I didnt see it coming. And then there was the sickening feeling of hearing, “and I’ve had an affair.” I’ve since watched friends and family battle cancer and heart attacks and survive. And, as I continued to grow older, I watched my friends parents die. And as sad and scary as all of that is, it increases my consciousness to be mindful that the people, pets, and things in my life are as temporary as my last breath.

No. Im not interested in going back – back to being unconscious. I know that pain and joy are equal ingredients that have made my life , the paths I have taken, a more conscious, wonderful journey. If the chances of a relationship staying are there too. the possibilities really are endless.

Just for today I am dating a woman that I like very much. Just for today, I love my life with my friends and my dog Lucy. I do not know what my life will be like tomorrow. The loss of innocence is a process of growing older, an increase in awareness comes whether I’m ready or not.

Two years ago, I did not know when I woke up that morning, that my life would be so painfully, radically different before I went to sleep that night. I did not know that what happened in that one day – when I was told about what had happened- would change how I felt forever.

Ah, there it is again – forever. Apparently, sometimes, in my innocence I still believe in forever. But, not this time. No. I will not give her affair that much power. That’s my part – how how I choose to let it shape my future relationships. So, just for today, especially with my girlfriend Holly, I will believe….


Well, I went in the Indiana Statehouse for the first time in my life. And who stepped through those doors? Marti. It’s wierd to be in a space as a female that I have never been in as a male.

I was nervous as hell at first because it was a press conference and I have mild social anxiety anyhow. As soon as we got into the room where the press conference was to be held and that all washed away. Chris Douglas, a local gay Republican, got up and really pegged a knot in the Indiana Senate’s ass. I’ve never seen him so hot under the collar. It was a great performance to the media.

I came home and slept… then coded the website some….then slept…zzzzzzzzzz and my alarm doesn’t go off….zzzzzzz wake up and what time is it? 9:05pm. FUCK my bus comes in …15 minutes!!! So I hall balls ..change clothes and run out the door. I had to run to make the bus, if that tells you how close I was to missing the bus. Sooooooooooooo, I made it to the bus…and got to work OK.

*SMELL ALERT* while I took a shower this AM, I feel icky. Damn running for the bus! Damn warm coat!

Thanksgiving Part II

Well, this Thanksgiving was a joy. I spent it all with my best friend in the entire world, Jennifer. She came over and picked me up and we took these pics before we even drove away…

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I was taken for a woman at work….and twice this morning…and I’m in total work gear…totally andro. Could it be the purse? The hair? The breasts? I don’t give a shit…whateva it is I hope it keeps happening. When I started this journey I didn’t have much hope of ever passing…so this is a very nice suprise. 🙂

Lola….laaa laaa looola

I went to the Southside Animal Shelter and immediately fell in love with this pretty little thing.. 😉
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On The Bus You Can Just Call Me Pat

All those years of watching SNL just paid off.

When I go to work I can’t go in full femme mode so I just go extremely andro. Since I go through some pretty rough neighborhoods I just let everyone think what they will.

A couple of days ago I lost my battery charger, or so I’d thought. Today on the bus a fellow regular said “She turned it in, although she referred to you as a woman.” Following “Pat’s” lead I simply said “I get that a lot.”

Thanks Pat, you saved my ass!


More Weather Fun!

Went out this morning and took more pics. If it looks bad, that’s because it is.

Spooky. A bit more pressure on this fucker and SNAP…down comes the power lines.

This is how it looked from across the street.

I found this one a bit of a jolt to my psyche. You can see the facade ripped off this building. It is now a Target, but it used to be a store called Aire Way. You can see the “A” and the beginning of the “I.” This takes me back to when I was a kid….since Aire Way hasn’t been around for at least 30 years. 🙂 Ya I know, I’m old.

I don’t know why this one hit me….it just seems odd.

This is how many houses looked around this neighborhood. It literally looked like a war zone.

This sucks even more, because this is a poor neighborhood. I’m guessing many people don’t have homeowners insurance.


Sirens! Tornados!!! I need a blankie and a closet …and ill sit in there and suck my thumb. 🙂

lookin all evil

MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMY! *sniffle* Im scared!

I keep telling myself a tornado hasnt ever hit Riley Towers. LOL……

Sleep Sleep ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I slept little yesterday after work, but lord did I pay for it later. I around 6 or 7 I fell asleep and didn’t wake up till 1 am. Then I stayed up for a whole 10 minutes and slept until 630am. Shhhhhhhhit! Much to do today! I want to start doing a week of FMA posts. (What is FMA, you ask? It stands for Federal Marriage Amendment, and I have a place on OUTlet Radio. I find quotes from the sponsors of the FMA. You can add my FMA posts to your website, email me for the details. If you’re on LJ you can add it here FMA words to your friends list). For some reason it gets harder and harder to do even though I am very proud of it. I believe once people see what asses their local representatives are, they will vote the intolerant fucks out of office.

Much to do today…. As I write this I am also cleaning my room. I need to clean our fridge out (it looks like a goddamn pig sty). 🙂 That is another rant all together. Oh wait… I have a digital camera now! Welcome to the grossness:

You think that is nasty? How about a close-up!


On another topic, do you like these shoes? I am watching these shoes on ebay:
ebay shoes
The ad says:
These are Bongo Ronnie size 10 like new in box. These have never been worn anywhere but around the house. These are from my daughter’s gigantic shoe collection, and no longer fit her. These have been stored in the box and show no signs of abuse. Originally costing $39. Thanks for looking.

They are selling at 10 bucks plus actual price of shipping. I will wait till the last few minutes and buy em. Think they are worth 15 bucks? I like em. I am going to go to goodwill today too. I think I need to find some summer clothes. I REFUSE to buy myself any new clothes until I get down to my goal weight. When I get there, I am going to throw out all my old clothes. I know if I just keep up my workouts and Atkins I will get there. Why waste good money on clothes that won’t fit next month?

O! Another thing I am bidding on is the bottom half of a laptop. My lappy has been dead for at least 6 months. I hope this action stays at this price ($24.00 plus 20 dollars for shipping)! I would get the parts i need for 50 bucks! *FINGERS AND TOES CROSSED*

Oh! I got this in the mail:
Decendents CD

YAY! Thank you babe. I am digging this CD! For all you younger fucks that like Offspring or the like, go here and give it a listen! These guys were doing this in 87, back when Offspring was in their cribs shittin in their respective diapers. Anyways, thanks for the CD! 🙂

OMG! As I am sitting here writing this, I hear a song from Alanis Morrissette called “If I Would Be Good.” Goddamn this hit me like a ton of bricks!

that i would be good even if i did nothing
that i would be good even if i got the thumbs down
that i would be good if a got and stayed sick
that i would be good even if i gained ten pounds
that i would be fine even if i went bankrupt
that i would be good if i lost my hair and my youth
that i would be great if i was no longer queen
that i would be grand if i was not all knowing
that i would be loved even when i’m not myself
that i would be good even when i’m overwhelmed
that i would be loved even when i was fuming
that i would be good even if i was clinging
that i would be good even if i lost sanity
that i would be good whether with or without you

Wake up Alanis! This is America!!!! *smirk*

Oh well kiddies, I best get back to cleaning!

I love you all!

DRag queen smoochies

500 parade

Cinnamon and I walked down to the Indianapolis 500 Parade. I took a bunch of pics….

He looks hot, she just looks dim. 🙂
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