Democratic Phantasmagoria

phan· tas· ma· go· ria (ˌ)fan-ˌtaz-mə-ˈgȯr-ē-ə
- an exhibition of optical effects and illusions
- a: a constantly shifting complex succession of things seen or imagined
b: a scene that constantly changes- a bizarre or fantastic combination, collection, or assemblage
A trip around the Blue MAGA Fediverse this morning wielded an odd conglomeration of posts:


The absurdity of demanding that the media cover Biden and Trump the same, when they obviously are different, is a special kind of gaslighting. The question is who are they gaslighting, themselves or us? Trump is a lot of things, but incoherent is not one of them. He may go on strange rants, mumble, or make odd references, but he does not come off as if he has some sort of noticeable cognitive decline.
The second line of attack Blue MAGA are talking about is the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025:

Yes, Project 2025 is bad. But what is your President doing about it? Biden has never gone on offense when dealing with the Supreme Court (court packing), or while trying to push legislation through (ending the filibuster). Even in the past, when he was more coherent, he did little to challenge what was happening legislatively. He was sold as the person that could “work with Republicans” when he couldn’t even get his party to go with his agenda. The Supreme Court has handed him a gift in going after Trump (because he can’t be prosecuted for anything he does while in office), but it’s obvious he will not do anything but campaign on how bad Trump is.
Trump isn’t in office right now, and judging by the polls, the electorate will judge Biden on what he’s done and what he’s doing, not on how bad Trump is.
Sorry, Blue MAGA, complaining about Trump while not addressing the material conditions of the electorate probably won’t win you an election.