Post of the Day
Post of the day goes to one of my favorite local bloggers, Steph Mineart:
"In reality, religious people seem more obsessed with anal intercourse than gay people are. So here's the thing, for all you religious homobigots out there - it's not about the butt sex. Really. And if you so obsessed with it, please just go off and do it yourself, rather than trying to bash us because of your obsessions with your own sphincter.
I want to propose that this year when people are testifying about SJR-7 and some of the other legislation related to gay issues, that we play "Butt Sex Bingo" - create a grid of all of the cliched arguments that the religious nuts trot out, with Anal Intercourse being the bonus in the center square (how apropo!). And when they get up to testify, mark off every argument, until they trot out the bonus free space -- when everyone shouts "Bingo!" at the same time, it will truly highlight how absurd they are."