
After the election results came in last night many of you have talked about moving out of country. Is running away from your problems really the answer? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not being judgemental. I actually “ran away” from Indiana and lived in DC for a year. While I will always remember my days running around Dupont Circle and Q street with fondness, runing away taught me a very hard, valuable lesson.

While I was in Washington D.C. my ex-wife pulled some legal maneuvers which caused me to essentially lose visitation of my daughter simply because of my transsexuality. What brought me back to Indiana was to fight for my parental rights, but what has kept me here was unexpected.

When I came home I started connecting with folks like Lori and Bryan Sirtosky, Jeff Newman, Jerame Davis and Bil Browning, Chris Douglas, Marla Stevens, and many others within the GLBT community here in Indianapolis. To put it simply, I fell in love with the community here.

At times like this it may seem like all is lost. One night, One year, One election cycle is a battle, not a war. We have time and the youth of this country on our side. Will this war be quick? Will it be easy? No. But rest assured our day shall come. Let us continue to prepare for that day.

“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”
-Martin Luther King Jr.

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